define the strategy, strengthen the management, strengthen the product, deepen the service -九游会棋牌

define the strategy, strengthen the management, strengthen the product, deepen the service - bondex strategy seminar held
publish time:2014/10/22 0:00:00

on october 17, 2014, the company held a strategic seminar at grand metropark haiquan bay hotel. more than 80 managers from branches all over the country attended the meeting. what is strategy? abandon the traditional concept, the strategy should be a persistent commitment, for the mission, for the vision, using the correct values to accomplish something. chairman xi-ping wang first of the strategic development of the company made a profound explanation in simple terms, expressed the expectations of the company's future development and confidence. mr. tang then analyzed and compared our operation status with that of several benchmark logistics enterprises and put forward the management objective of further clarifying strategy, consolidating management, strengthening products, deepening service and the construction goal of talent pool. he proposed that according to the company the next three years, strategic planning, make full plans for talent pool.

mr. ma quanxin from hejun consulting presided over the first day of the conference. the meeting was started with training. under the guidance of mr. ma, all the colleagues present analyzed the strategic objectives of the company in the form of group discussion and analyzed in detail swot forms company strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. everyone speaks out and analyzes in depth the situation we are facing and the strengths and weaknesses we have. it is believed that this will play a very good guiding role in the future development. as the saying goes, "do not seek the overall situation, inadequate to seek a domain," our vision will not change, is to become the best integrated logistics service providers, but how to integrate resources to achieve group sharing optimization, how to more standardized execution strategy the goal is the job of every one of our bondans.

the future of logistics must be a professional and capital-intensive logistics, relying on the rapid development of the internet, enhance professional, strengthen capital, the only way to grow into a qualified, excellent, potential logistics enterprises. in this regard, tang always reiterated that the annual business plan of all departments must be made small and well done, and profoundly expressed the concept of "willingness". i think this is a question that everyone deserves in-depth consideration. house, have great wisdom, too, have a big harvest.

in a spark collision, everyone carried out a relatively detailed carding and thinking on the company's strategy. this is a very timely and very important meeting and everyone at the conference is empathized with the same feeling. in fact, any manager, any employee should not give up their motivation and ability to learn. they should strive to be a highly qualified and responsible person.

on the 18th, the person in charge of each center introduced and sorted out the business in charge of the center and proposed the next strategic plan. wang xiping, chairman of the speech is very exciting, engineering logistics to 6 times the growth rate has attracted the attention of all present. wang expressed the importance and correctness of the company's strategy of "going global" following the country's development. since going global, the company has set up its own offices in ethiopia, tanzania and south africa and acquired many project resources. overseas colleagues and blacks brothers, work hard every day, but every time to provide customers with a very good logistics services. in this way, it is hard to shake our business even if competitors are forcibly involved. it all stems from our emphasis on business, we do all the things we do to the customer, and do a good job, customers need to do less, the dependence on the company will increase, so that we can the alternative is small.

how to enhance the company's competitiveness? how to keep customer loyalty in the case of getting lower and lower barriers to entry? wang's total share quite a curtilage effect, many business colleagues said very helpful.

finally, tang always said that the company's development can not be separated from everyone's efforts, in its place, seek its political, active learning, and strive to progress, the company will certainly be able to provide suitable opportunities and position. don always stressed that all plans must be implemented before they can. for some time to come, the company will step up its efforts in this area so that everyone can see the results of the implementation of the plan.

the two-day meeting is very compact. the content of the two days is substantial. the two-day harvest is very rich. sharing gifts for the past two days will surely enrich the work and life of each of us in the future. we will certainly inspire learn, encourage each other's progress, until the two wings of the company, toward a more ambitious strategic goal, then it will fly in the albatron above.